Welcome, friends!

This is my first attempt at blogging. I hear it is all the rave! As a mom, I just thought that I would share some of my thoughts, fears, experiences, joys, tears, laughter, stories, etc. You get the gist....Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope to hear back from you. This is meant to be a constructive, hopefully, funny, page that let's us moms forgive ourselves, give ourselves a break, and hopefully some support! Happy reading!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The never ending to do list...

....we all have them! I was talking with a friend last night, and she said that she wished she could shut the world out for a week so that she could get organized, clean out, and finish her "to do" list and I laughed and said, "You will NEVER finish your 'to do' list!" Once we finish one thing, we add two more, it is life! We then laughed and said, yes, that is true! But, it sure would be nice to have time to yourself to do what you need to do. Of course, the priorities are always the family and whatever comes next or whatever you can fit in, or whatever you are working on and don't get distracted from to go on to something else, that is what you can get done! The hubster and I always laugh because, he will be doing something such as yard work, I will go out and say, "Honey, can you please help me hang up this photo?", of course he will, but I get him off course, because he will hang my frame, then see that he needs to fix the doo-hicky and I need the whatcha-ma-call-it so that I can put the photos in the frame, before you know it, two hours have gone by, it is too dark to do yard work, it is time to cook dinner for the kids, and we just spun our wheels! There are days when a lot gets done, but the spinner days just crack me up! Oh well!!! That is life, right?


  1. Jen..That crazy stuff happens in my house all the time! Always way more projects to do than time to do them. My wife has had a few things she has been trying to get done around the house before the spring hits, so she took time off from working during the day and switched to nights for those days...well wouldn't know the kids were home from school because of SNOW!! UUHHGG!!! Didn't get anything done...she was ticked off....this week she did the same thing and of course we are all sick!! Yep...kids are home this week with Strep throat!...still nothing done! LOL! Oh well, there is always this weekend......to try again :-)

    BTW...hope you don't mind that a guy is reading your blog.....I know it's titled "The Imperfect Mommy"...but as an actively involved father, I can relate to some of the things you post either directly or thru my wife's experiences......anyway, I enjoy the read and hope you don't mind.
    Good Night

    Bill Hahn

  2. Bill, OF COURSE I am honored that you are reading my blog!!! The more the merrier! Especially dads!!! Maybe I can somehow have a dad here or there understand his wife or relate to her better! Thank you for reading my blogs...feel free to share with whomever you like!

    I LOVE your comment above, and I feel terrible for your wife...but the good news is that the to do list will always be there so that you can take a break from it, for whatever reason, snow, sick family members, etc....and take it back on when things quiet down ;)

    Keep reading, share, comment, etc....I LOVE the feedback....any blog ideas are great as well! I hope that you are sharing this with your wife!

