Welcome, friends!

This is my first attempt at blogging. I hear it is all the rave! As a mom, I just thought that I would share some of my thoughts, fears, experiences, joys, tears, laughter, stories, etc. You get the gist....Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope to hear back from you. This is meant to be a constructive, hopefully, funny, page that let's us moms forgive ourselves, give ourselves a break, and hopefully some support! Happy reading!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Love what you do....

....or CHANGE what you do! It is so easy to complain about things, but if you are unhappy with your situation, do something to change it. For example, the hubster and I were "complaining" about how much money we DON'T have just about one year ago this month. How are we going to make more, what can we do to change it? I came up with an idea to give my daughter's school director a proposal to teach art in a unique way and really give quality art projects along with an explanation for the parents to understand what they are spending their money on. Additionally, the school district would save 25% on cost. She loved it, passed it along, and I was approved to begin work as of September 2010! I have LOVED every minute of it! Hubster decided to revive the youth track program in our area this past summer and had much success for the first summer! Now, we both know what to do to improve upon our programs, we are both doing what we love, while still doing what we NEED to do. I encourage you to really dig deep and figure out what you love and make something of it because you never know!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you! This is soooo true and you are an inspiration for getting out there and making it happen.
