Welcome, friends!

This is my first attempt at blogging. I hear it is all the rave! As a mom, I just thought that I would share some of my thoughts, fears, experiences, joys, tears, laughter, stories, etc. You get the gist....Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope to hear back from you. This is meant to be a constructive, hopefully, funny, page that let's us moms forgive ourselves, give ourselves a break, and hopefully some support! Happy reading!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is it just me.....

....or does it feel like groundhog day, again? Didn't I just do the dishes, fold the laundry, make the beds, dust, vacuum, take out the trash, clean the house, etc. (you get the gist ~ I just had to put that in here! ;) I LOVE the feeling of it all being done, but that lasts about, oh, a minute....then the children finish breakfast, hubster finishes his coffee, takes a shower, has dirty sleeping clothes, and towels, and the next thing you know, we have to go to son's game, he makes a dirty uniform, the children play at the park after the game and come home with sand in their shoes which ends up all of the house even if they dump it out outside after I just vacuumed....sigh.....but you know what, it is all good because these are the things that make my house a home, at least that is what I keep telling myself! Let it go, it is OK to have sand on the floor, and laundry in the laundry baskets, washer and dryer (which is ALWAYS running even though there are only four people in my family, I don't understand that one, does the laundry just multiply?) The only time I feel as though my house is almost just right is when my family comes to town, and I clean, pick up, paint things, redo bathrooms, etc, like crazy! Hubster thinks I am crazy sometimes, but I do want to be proud of my home, and I want my home to be warm and welcoming! So, I will continue the groundhog day chores, and forgive myself if I leave dishes in the sink from dinner, or don't make the beds until I am done dropping the kids off at school, and only do the whites once every two weeks (luckily, hubster has a plethora of white socks!) By the way, I am sitting down to write this because I am HOT from dishes, beds, laundry, already this am! ;)

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