Welcome, friends!

This is my first attempt at blogging. I hear it is all the rave! As a mom, I just thought that I would share some of my thoughts, fears, experiences, joys, tears, laughter, stories, etc. You get the gist....Thank you for taking the time to read and I hope to hear back from you. This is meant to be a constructive, hopefully, funny, page that let's us moms forgive ourselves, give ourselves a break, and hopefully some support! Happy reading!

Friday, February 25, 2011

They are each....

....individuals, aren't they? It is so much fun to see our children become unique. I love watching them make up their own minds, as much I as I try to persuade them one way, nope, they want it their way! For example, my son, my daughter and I were in the Lakeshore Learning store the other day. They each had $25 of their own money to spend. My son could not decide between a target game with nerf balls, or a laptop that would teach him about Astronomy, Geology, Oceanography, etc, well, of course, my vote was for the laptop. His mind was not made up. I tried to convince him to pick the laptop, which was $35, I told him that I would pay the difference. I was really trying to convince him to get the laptop. I told him that he already had a bunch of nerf guns, he replied that he already had a laptop learning game. So, of course, he went with the nerf target game. I let him make up his own mind. He earned his own money, and was set on that. So, I guess it is time to let go a bit and let them make up their own minds, unless, of course, it is illegal.....hopefully I won't ever have to deal with that ;)

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